Pastor on a Mission

Have time for what matters most in your ministry and life.

A live 5-week online course for pastors that want to take back control of their schedule and their life.

Rekindle  your calling

Tame your to-do list

Have time for what matters

Number one

It’s hard to stay focused as a pastor.

Most pastors are so busy, ministry overtakes their entire life. You don’t have time for a workout, hobbies, or even your family - all at the expense of ministry. No matter how hard you try, it feels like things slip through the cracks and you’re letting people down left and right.

Pastor’s shouldn’t have to lose themselves to ministry

The Pastor On A Mission Course gives you the clarity and system you need to begin living aligned with your true calling and have time for what matters.

3 different images representing people that are in the ministry course

“Pastor On A Mission”
Is The Solution For The Busy And Overwhelmed Pastor.

Take command
of your day

Don’t have enough time to do ministry well?  Does your family bear the brunt of that reality? This course clears the fog around your priorities so you have time for what is important in ministry and your family. You will learn to formulate a daily planner that will help you to create a routine of the things that you need to be focused on each day.

Set & Achieve Your Goals

Know what to focus on inspite how you feel.  When you set goals, you are making a faith statement. In this course you will learn how to set goals that will help you take the necessary steps to accomplish your vision.

Create a Life Plan

When you’re clear about what you are called to, know what to say yes and no to.

Make huge progress on your most important ministry goals.


Register for the course

Each group is capped at 40 people so you get individual attention.


Attend the weekly Zoom

Each Friday you will  meet Live with Coach Terrance for both a tactical and leadership development opportunity.


Live with Focus and Clarity

We will help you build a plan that guides you and provides daily structure to help you purposefully live a life of meaning.